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A burette is a laboratory instrument used in quantitative chemical analysis to measure the volume of a liquid. It consists of a long, narrow glass tube with a stopcock at one end and a tapered tip at the other. The stopcock allows precise control over the flow of liquid.


A burette is a laboratory instrument used in quantitative chemical analysis to measure the volume of a liquid. It consists of a long, narrow glass tube with a stopcock at one end and a tapered tip at the other. The stopcock allows precise control over the flow of liquid.


Here are some key points about burettes:


Usage: Burettes are primarily used in titration experiments, where one solution is slowly added to another until a chemical reaction is complete.


Graduations: Burettes have graduations marked along their length, typically in milliliters (mL) or cubic centimetres (cc). The graduations allow for accurate measurement of liquid volume.


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